The SafetyChain Team
Spotlight Announcement New Features

The New SafetyChain Status Page: Your Source for Real-Time System Updates

AUTHOR: The SafetyChain Team

We take great pride in the partnerships we have built with our customers, which is why system reliability, transparency, and open communication are among our top priorities.

Today, we are excited to introduce a new resource called the SafetyChain Status Page, a dedicated microsite that provides customers with a simple, easy to understand snapshot of our system’s real-time health status.

Get Answers & Take Action, Fast

Previously, it was often difficult for our customers to know if they were experiencing a technical issue in SafetyChain due to an issue within their company’s network connection or if it was part of a broader issue within the system. With the new Status Page, you will be able to quickly check the real-time health status of SafetyChain’s various components – if the site shows that all systems are operational, you’ll know to begin troubleshooting within your own local environment.

What do I do if the Status Page confirms that I am experiencing an outage?

We encourage you to submit a support ticket if you: need more information than what is provided on the Status Page, if you are seeing different behaviors than what is being described, if you have additional information to share with SafetyChain support, or if you are requesting a root cause analysis.

In addition to viewing live information directly on the site, there are also multiple subscription options – including email notifications – to ensure you receive timely communications from our technical teams when incidents do arise. In the spirit of transparency, you will also find a chronological incident log to provide you with a time-stamped history of system incidents and the steps that were taken to address them. Note: Upon subscribing, please ensure the confirmation email did not filter into your 'Spam' folder.

Our Commitment to Improving System Reliability

You rely on SafetyChain to capture critical data and drive processes within your facilities, so we know disruptions can have a major impact on your business. The Status Page, which is underpinned by a best-in-class cloud monitoring tool called Datadog, is one of many investments we are making to prioritize and increase overall system reliability. These include new processes within our engineering team to optimize performance, improve quality, and increase security, as well as a company-wide commitment to improving all of our customer communications and protocols.

Available Resources

If you’re ready to learn more about the Status Page, we invite you to take this self-guided tour that will walk you through the following key features:

  • Real-time snapshot of the operational status of SafetyChain’s various components and major features

  • Regular communications from SafetyChain’s engineering team delivered at regular intervals so customers are never wondering what is being done to address an incident

  • Ability to subscribe for automatic updates via email, SMS, or other methods for a specific incident or for all incidents in the future

  • A reverse-chronological list of previous incidents and their accompanying updates

We also encourage everyone to read the new Knowledge Base article and to add the Status Page to your bookmarks.

We hope you find this page reliable and useful throughout your SafetyChain journey!

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