The SafetyChain Team

Bug Fix: Resolving Form Display Issues in SC App iOS 6.38

AUTHOR: The SafetyChain Team

We are aware of an issue in SC App iOS version 6.38 impacting the display of certain forms. Some forms may not show any values when opened in the app. Forms with complex expression rules exceeding this limit were not properly serialized, resulting in the absence of displayed values.

To address this issue, we are releasing a hotfix v6.38.1 to ensure the proper handling of long and complex expression rules, allowing accurate form values to display.

Availability: This will be available in the new iOS version 6.38.1 on the app store beginning Saturday, 7/01/23. There will be no impact to PC App and Android versions.

A reminder from your Product and Support team: Ensuring your devices have the most recent SafetyChain App version is highly advised. If you are using an old version of the SafetyChain app for your mobile submissions, you are at risk for unexpected behavior and will not be able to take advantage of all new mobile features.

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