The SafetyChain Team
Fixed Mobile

Bug Fix: Android Apps v6.40.1

AUTHOR: The SafetyChain Team

When logging into LINK from the Android app (v6.40), and attempting to open the record details (Blue icon to open the record from a web browser) users may have been receiving an Unauthorized Request error. This was related to a change in LINK and will be resolved in the updated version v6.40.1.

NOTE: For Android devices we are aware of an issue attaching field level images when editing records. This will be addressed in a future hot fix; there is no impact on iOS devices.

Availability: This will be available in the new Android version 6.40.1 beginning Tuesday, 9/05/23.

Accessibility: For customers using MDM to update the apps instead of the app store, please use the following links for the App files after 9/05/2023

A reminder from your Product and Support team: Ensuring your devices have the most recent SafetyChain App version is highly advised. If you are using an old version of the SafetyChain app for your mobile submissions, you are at risk for unexpected behavior and will not be able to take advantage of all new mobile features.

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